Past and Present Definitions
Answers versus Labels

Added to website on 10/1/05.

Those who would give up essential liberty
to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety.

                                Benjamin Franklin
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The above quote of Benjamin Franklin might well apply to those in science today who are more concerned about their jobs or reputations than about scientific truths, and to those involved in politics who care more about their jobs and the success of their party than about the nation that allows them the privilege of expressing themselves publicly.

Benjamin Franklin spent several years on the study of electricity and then sent an account of his discoveries to the Royal Society in London.   He was one of the more important men in the history of electricity even though today most remember him only as the man who flew a kite in a thunderstorm.

Magnetism has become one of the best proofs of the existence of an ether even though its effects have been masked by the brainwashing process of most college physics classes.   Perhaps the most dramatic example of ether existence was placed in Scientific American back in the days when it was still a very good magazine.   The article was on high intensity magnets and it described how there was pressure inside an electromagnet that caused the magnet to explode when the magnet was of a very high strength.   There was no way to avoid the pressure exceeding the tensile strength of the material of which the magnet was constructed.   Such magnets could remain intact, however, if the DC current creating the magnetic field were pulsed very briefly so that the inertia of material of which the magnet was made could hold the magnet together for this short period of time.

Apparently, this explosive tendency was not in accord with current theory which stated that there was nothing inside the magnet to cause it to explode.   So a more recent article in the same magazine implied that the magnet only exploded due to the heat of the current weakening the coils.   Of course, the magnet still exploded violently from the inside out, but this was a fact that was ignored.

Actually, a high intensity magnet explodes because the nether (dynamic ether) is compressed inside the magnet.   When the compression is high enough to overcome the tensile strength of the material of which the magnet is constructed, the magnet explodes.   This compression is the key to the phenomenon of magnetism and is the reason that unlike magnetic poles attract and like magnetic poles repel one another.

Below, the reader will note the vast difference between Ambrose Bierce's words (from The Devil's Dictionary) and those who provided the words found in the 1960 two-volume dictionary.   Where the 1911 definitions were either meaningless or moved in very short circles, the 1960 definitions went in longer, more elaborate circles.   This is known as arguing in a circle which is a form of begging the question as found in the part of this site on critical thinking.   Unfortunately, the only significant difference in today's accepted theories on electricity and magnetism and those in 1960, is that the circles have grown larger.

Ambrose Bierce's Definition of Electricity (1911)

The power that causes all natural phenomena not known to be caused by something else.

Electricity According to a Two-Volume Dictionary in 1960

A fundamental property of matter associated with atomic particles whose movements, free or controlled, lead to the development of fields of force and the generation of kinetic or potential energy.   The electron is the basic unit of negative electricity and the proton is the basic unit of positive electricity.   Any accumulation of one kind of electricity in excess of the opposite kind is called a charge and is measured in appropriate units.   A charge that is fixed at one point or within a circumscribed field of force, as a Leyden jar, is static electricity; a charge which flows through a conductor is current electricity.

An electrically charged particle of an atom:   it carries the unit charge of negative electricity.

One of the elementary particles of the nucleus of an atom, having a unitary positive charge.

A portion of space at every point of which force is exerted (applies to magnetic field and field of force).

Leyden Jar
A condenser for static electricity, consisting of a glass jar coated inside and out with tinfoil nearly to the top.

Electricity as Defined in Nether Theory

The electromagnetic force in action.

Electromagnetic Force
The force caused by the motion of the nether (dynamic ether) into each electron (vortex) coupled with the tendency of the vortex to orient itself by the direction of local relative nether motion.

Ambrose Bierce's Definitions Regarding Magnetism (1911)

Something acted upon by magnetism.

Something acted upon by a magnet.

"The two definitions immediately foregoing are condensed from the works of one thousand imminent scientists who have illuminated the subject with a great white light, to the inexpressible advancement of human knowledge."

Magnetism According to a Two-Volume Dictionary in 1960

1.   A lodestone.
2.   Any mass of material capable of attracting magnetic or magnetized bodies.

A variety of magnetite that shows polarity and acts like a magnet when freely suspended.

A massive, granular isometric, black iron oxide, a lodestone.

1.   Pertaining to a magnet or magnetism.
2.   Able to be attracted by a lodestone.
3.   Capable of exerting or responding to magnetic force.

To communicate magnetic properties to.

The specific properties of a magnet, regarded as an effect of molecular interaction.

Magnetic Force
Not found in dictionary.

Magnetic Field
That region in the neighborhood of a magnet or current-carrying body in which magnetic forces are observable.

Magnetic Flux
The number of magnetic lines of force passing through a magnetic circuit.

Magnetic circuit
Not found in dictionary.

Magnetism According to Nether Theory

Magnetism is what results from the nether (dynamic ether) attempting (1) to remain at the same pressure throughout and (2) to conserve energy, when it is compressed as it flows inward into vorticles ("particles" which are actually vortices) which are moving simultaneously in their directions of motion either in a loop or a helical pattern.

The next subject on this site is a detailed explanation of magnetism which should be a less muddled and more reasonable presentation than those which have passed for scientific thought in the past.

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