(Added October 6, 2006.)

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"Black hole" is the name given to a body that has gravity excessive enough to prevent light from escaping.   It does this by pulling in the nether at a velocity equal to or more than "c", the velocity of light.

There is a theory that after enough energy and matter (which is energy also - but in a different form) enter a black hole, they begin to "evaporate" (Stephen Hawking).   This makes sense if all the facts are not known.   However, in my opinion, the observations of Halton Arp (Seyfert galaxies) indicate that something else happens.   Of course, Halton Arp has not been allowed by the majority of astronomers and astrophysicists to properly air his findings because they upset the theories of some of the controlling prestigious members of their club.

One of the possible consequences of compressed matter within a black hole, according to nether theory, is that sufficient compression may disrupt the vortices that comprise the matter.   The matter at the center of a black hole would be under extreme pressure.   If the black hole is massive enough, the compression within its center could cause each of the vortices to cease to have enough centrifugal force to keep the hole at its center open.   This would cause the holes at the centers of the vortices to close and there would be no place for the incoming nether to go.   The nether near the center was already severely compressed due to the nature of a gravity funnel and the inertia due to its incoming movement would cause it to be compressed even more upon hole closure.   This, in turn, would cause a chain reaction of more hole closures and more compression of incoming nether.   The final result would be a sudden appearance of very highly compressed nether within a volume of our universe.   It would create something that would cause the black hole to explode, with its remnants moving outward at near-light-velocity.   The destruction of the electrons (and any temporary positrons) would cause gamma radiation to be emitted from the center where pressure would be greatest.

There are numerous other examples of extreme pressure such as that found in an article called How to Blow Up a Star by Wolfgang Hillebrandt, Hans-Thomas Janka, and Ewald Muller in the October 2006 issue of Scientific American.   A portion of the article mentions the core collapse of a star prior to going nova during which electrons are squeezed into the atomic nuclei, where they react with the protons to form neutrons and electron neutrinos.   The neutrons and remaining protons, in turn, get packed closer and closer until their own repulsive forces come into play, stopping the collapse.

This process is reversed to become a powerful outflow, precise causes unkown.   Several mechanisms are mentioned as candidates.   Among them, regarding a neutron star, magnetic fields might also squeeze matter outward along the rotational axis in two polar jets.   Such effects might explain the most powerful explosions.   Gamma ray bursts, in particular, appear to involve jets moving almost at the speed of light.   The core of such a burst may collapse not to a neutron star but to a black hole.

Regarding the radiation from the collapsing stellar core, Unlike light, which is heavily processed by the overlying layers, these signals escape directly from the cataclysmic abyss at the center of the explosion.

When two gamma rays meet head-on they create an electron-positron pair (energy converted to matter per   e = mc2 ).   When an electron and positron meet, two gamma rays are the result (matter converted to energy per   e = mc2 ).   It would appear that gamma rays from the cosmos are created by the collapse of electron vortices due to extreme crowding that interferes with the vortices' ability to hold open the holes at their centers.   The cessation of the compressed nether's inward movement would cause even more extreme compression due to inertia which would be converted to expansion upon the closure of the hole at the center of the vortices.   We would see this as a huge explosion with gamma rays moving outward from its center.

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